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Iridium Quartet

Paul Nolen - soprano saxophone, Marcos Colon - alto saxophone, Paul Forsyth - tenor saxophone, Eric Lau - baritone saxophone

The Iridium Quartet has been called a "superb group" by Fanfare Magazine and praised by Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Michael Colgrass as giving “a stunning performance … with elegance and grace." Composers and audiences have commented “displaying an impressive balance of intense control and abandon with tremendous precision.” The quartet draws upon a rich history of over fifteen years of collaboration between saxophonists Paul Nolen, Marcos Colón, Paul Forsyth, and Eric Lau.

Iridium has appeared as artists-in-residence upon invitation throughout the United States including the Festival of New American Music (FeNAM) in Sacramento, the John Donald Robb Composers’ Sym­posium in Albuquerque, and Texas A&M University Artist Series. Iridium has given tours and performances throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and the United Kingdom.

A staunch supporter of new music, Iridium has commissioned and/or premiered major works by composers David Kirkland Garner, Peter Lieuwen, Roy Magnuson, Marcus Maroney, David Maslanka, Sonia Morales, David Ra­kowski, Ben Stonaker, and Carl Schimmel.

The quartet released its first CD of new American music in July 2014, entitled Into Xylonia. Partnering with Blue Griffin Records, Iridium received a prestigious 2012 Aaron Copland Fund Recording Grant, allowing the quartet to make the recording. And Iridium released two CDs in 2018. One recording was released by Albany featuring David Maslanka’s Concerto for Saxophone Quartet and Wind Ensemble. The 2nd release was Iridium’s 2nd full length album entitled Skylines.  All are available by purchase through normal download mediums. Hardcopies of Into Xylonia and Skylines can be purchased by contacting Paul Forsyth or by visiting Blue Griffin.

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